This is a two part interview with Jim Storr about speeding up the generation and therefore execution of orders by Commanders through their headquarters.
Author: admin
Communication – Shortwave Radio
This is an introduction to HF, or Shortwave, Radio, for long range communication.
Battle Tracking
Battle Tracking is a process to determine enemy current and likely future activity. Situation development utilizes “all source intelligence,” including signals intelligence, imagery, and human intelligence among others, to accurately assess the current enemy situation and its impact on future friendly operations.
Operations Center
Intelligence as a Process
Intelligence is a process and a product. This is one of the best explanations of the process I’ve seen.
The Area Study
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB), also known as an Area Study is the first group collective task of Intelligence and is the cornerstone of informing one’s reality with reality.
Fyrd Blog Notes
“No one is going to give you the education you want, so you have to give it to yourself.” – Dr. Sugrue
This is an educational blog. It is about equipping the man to problem solve with a set of tools that allow a person to inform their reality with reality.